About This Nymphing Maniac

I consider myself a novice since I have only been fly fishing a few short years and it seems everyone I meet has been fishing since they could walk and hold a rod in their hand.  I have a special thanks to Fred, my ex-boyfriend, who gave me the greatest gift in my life, other than my 4 children - an introduction to fly fishing.  You should have seen me in his waders and boots.  Okay, let me give you a better visual.  He's 6'4" and definitely over 200 pounds.  I am 5'2" and barely over 100 pounds.  Yes, an impressive candidate for America's Funniest Videos, and that's before the first cast!  I looked like a Chinese acrobat defecting to clown school with a rod.  With his INCREDIBLE patience, I learned to nymph without an indicator and it became my passion... Hook, Line, and Weighted Stone Fly!